Austin Williams
Just Beating Isn't Enough, 2020
Oil on Canvas over Panel
20 x 16"
For centuries, religious authorities and social pressures have discouraged individuals from contemplating mortality. A key component to the human sense of self is the ability to acknowledge the finite nature...
For centuries, religious authorities and social pressures have discouraged individuals from contemplating mortality. A key component to the human sense of self is the ability to acknowledge the finite nature of life. While some experience the fear of dying more strongly than others, all people experience death anxiety in some form. If healthily managed, death anxiety can serve as a motivation to live fuller lives and deepen relationships. To recognize hidden components of death anxiety and find consolation for the inevitability of dying, I use painting to acknowledge our own mortality and explore both secular and spiritual approaches to death. For this painting series, I conduct research by reading books and poetry, taking photographs, and viewing other artists’ work, online and in person visiting New York City museums and galleries. My goals for this series include encouraging viewers to consider aspects of their own mortality and thus feel motivated to discover more fulfilling lives.