An Expansive Moment at the Accordion Temple: Peter Harrington
Artspace111 is pleased to present Peter Harrington's solo exhibition, An Expansive Moment at the Accordion Temple. Harrington's illustrative paintings have a soothing and subtle surrealist quality that combines forms into tranquil temples of worship from another dimension. The exhibition opens on February 7th, with an opening reception from 5 - 8pm, and is on display until March 23rd, 2019.
Artist Statement
"An aesthetic influence for me has been with the Imagist School of Chicago, however my work has taken its own path into uncharted territory. My paintings are a kind of Kabuki of forms, often have a totemic, iconic expression. An unlikely, but inevitable, intersection of elements from primitive nature and the human presence, toward a philosophical whole. Artist friends have commented on the humor and inventiveness of the way things are put together, pointing to the pure ideas behind the resolved work. Some years spent living in Zen Monastic communities and solitary retreats in the wilderness have also lent a certain feeling of relatedness to the natural world and the paintings have since been marked by these experiences."
Peter Harrington, Aerocactus
Peter Harrington, Aerocholla
Peter Harrington, Agape Agave
Peter Harrington, An Expansive Moment at the Accordion Temple
Peter Harrington, An Expansive Moment At The Accordion Temple II
Peter Harrington, Apotheosis
Peter Harrington, Baptised by Flowers
Peter Harrington, Blue-Green Mughal Dream Vehicle
Peter Harrington, Down South, Pagoda and Spanish Moss
Peter Harrington, Mahayana Recreational and Contemplative Vehicle
Peter Harrington, Mughal Vehicle
Peter Harrington, New World Dandelion
Peter Harrington, Night Matterhorn and Griffon
Peter Harrington, On Ethereal Footing, a Certain Hair Day
Peter Harrington, On Unknown Footing
Peter Harrington, Pagoda Hairdo, Near Paradise
Peter Harrington, Pastoral Cruciform Church
Peter Harrington, Pinecone Pagoda
Peter Harrington, Pinecone Pagoda
Peter Harrington, Soma
Peter Harrington, The Noble, Tangled Path
Peter Harrington, The Tuner of Pine Trees under Tears of Heaven
Peter Harrington, Transmigration
Peter Harrington, Tree Stump Pagoda