Artspace111 is pleased to announce the 6th Annual Artspace111 Regional Juried Exhibition, juried by Hilde Nelson, the Curatorial Assistant for Contemporary Art at the Dallas Museum of Art. The artists selected represent the breadth of creativity and contemporary artistic expression in Texas and the surrounding states. The exhibition will be open June 22nd through July 20th with an opening reception on the evening of June 22nd from 5 - 8:30pm. Artists Include:
Oluwatobi Adewumi | Meg Aubrey | Scott Bell | Judge Bermes | Rachel Black | Cassandra Black | Alejandro Borges | Daniel Brents | Aisha Bryant | Shannon Cannings | Julia Cartwright | Danville Chadbourne | Krista Chalkley | Samantha Cooper | Autumn Mae Crocker | Terry Crum | Kagen Dunn | Benjamin Ernest | Martha Flores | Karla Garcia | Mike Geglia | Stephanie Gerhart | Cassie Gnehm | Marcelina Gonzales | Jihye Han | Marshall Harris | Silky Hart | Madeline Hernandez | Leila Hernandez | Wendy Hook | Ruth A. Keitz | Cindee Klement | Padaric Kolander | Kristy Kristinek | Renee Lai | Ana Lopez | Goran Maric | Paxton Maroney | Donald Matheson | Mihee Nahm | Nikola Olic | Randy Padorr-Black | Xavier Perez | Elizabeth Pratt | Steve Quevedo | Penelope Ross | Kim Schaefer | Colby Schwartz | Abbie Stellar | Sam Swihart | Tanya Synar | Will Taylor | Audrey Travis | Bernardo Vallarino | Camille Warmington | Becky Wilkes | Jason Wilson | Lillian Young
6RJE Award Winners Announced!
Top Prize
The top prize for the Sixth Annual Artspace111 Regional Juried Exhibition is a $2,000 cash award and the opportunity to participate in a separate solo or group exhibition at Artspace111 in 2019 - 2020. The top prize for the 6RJE is awarded to:
Karla Garcia, Shadows of Home, 2019, Laser etched glass slide, Kodak Carousel, Corn husk paper, 5 x 4 x 6'
Artist Statement | "In my artwork I explore my concept of home in relation to my memories growing up in the border cities of Juarez, Chihuahua and El Paso, Texas. Being a young immigrant, the only constants in my life were my sense of home and the common landscape on both sides of the border. In order to create a connection of that time and place, I investigate materials that are symbolic to my Mexican heritage and my life in the United States through the combination of traditional handwork and digital fabrication. I utilize various materials such as clay and corn husks, unifying them through the formal elements of value, line, and shape. My work becomes abstracted to symbolize the passage of time and the way in which our memories are imperfect representations of events"
Second Prize
The second prize artwork is awarded a $1,000 cash award. The second prize in 2019 is awarded to...
Mihee Nahm, Soaked, 2018, Oil on canvas, 16 x 24"
Juror's Pick
The Juror's Picks award the artists a $500 cash award. The Juror's Picks in 2019 are awarded to...
Julia Cartwright, God Is A Black Woman, 2019, InkJet Print of a Film Negative, 14 x 11"
Meg Aubrey, Ottoman #2, 2018, Oil on panel, 12 x 16"
Marcelina Gonzales, Summer of '97 and El show de Cristina, 2019, Resin cut-outs collaged on wood, 23.5 x 18.5"
Juror Hilde Nelson | Curatorial Assistant of Contemporary Art, Dallas Museum of Art
Hilde Nelson is the Curatorial Assistant for Contemporary Art at the Dallas Museum of Art. Her work primarily concerns contemporary art at the intersection of memory, belonging, and political visibility. She has contributed to publications and exhibitions for solo presentations of Günther Förg and Jonas Wood, as well as the recent exhibition America Will Be!: Surveying the Contemporary Landscape, an installation of the museum’s permanent contemporary collection. Before joining the DMA in 2018, Nelson held positions at Creative Time in New York; Julius Caesar Gallery in Chicago; and the Williams College Museum of Art in Williamstown, MA, where she curated the exhibition Bodies of Substance and Shadow in 2016. She received her MA in the History of Art from the Williams College Graduate Program in 2017.
Ouroboros, 2018, Penelope Ross, Mixed media, 36 x 36 x 12”
Lillian Young, Peaceful Protest, 2018
Jason Wilson, Foggy Night, 2018
Becky Wilkes, Streams of Consciousness, (362 plastic bottles), 2019
Camille Warmington, Chenonceau No. 1-4, 2019
Bernardo Vallarino, Está Escrito en sus Rostros - Rohingya, 2019
Audrey Travis, Vista II, 2018
Will Taylor, Wild Bovine, 2019
Tanya Synar, Undiscovered Place, 2016
Sam Swihart, Bottoms Up 1, 2019
Abbie Stellar, Where the grass meets the fence, 2018
Colby Schwartz, Pink, 2019
Kim Schaefer, Pillow II, 2017
Penelope Ross, "Ouroboros", 2018
Steve Quevedo, No. 038, 2017
Elizabeth Pratt, Run, 2017
Xavier Perez, Our Town Could Be Your Life, 2019
Randy Padorr-Black, Collage004, 2019
nikola olic, Building With Steps, 2014
Mihee Nahm, Soaked, 2018
Donald Matheson, The Caldera, 2018
Paxton Maroney, Contemporaneous, 2017
Goran Maric, Aziz, Afghanistan Experience, 2017
Ana Lopez, Louver: Houston, 2018
Renee Lai, Barrier V, 2019
Kristy Kristinek, Gesture, 2018
Padaric Kolander, It Suits You, 2019
Cindee Klement, PORTRAIT OF MY COUSIN, 2019
Ruth A. Keitz, Door with West Patio Sky View #2, 2019
Wendy Hook, Homage to Sally Avery, 2019
leila hernandez, Yardero, 2018
Silky Hart, Colors of San Miguel de Allende, 2018
Marshall Harris, Books Without Pictures - Dark Things Unspoken, 2017
Jihye Han, The other side of memory, 2019
Marcelina Gonzales, Summer of \'97 and El show de Cristina, 2019
Cassie Gnehm, Too Shrill, 2018
Stephanie Gerhart, Complexion (Face Wash Gathered and Poured), 2019
Mike Geglia, White Shirt and Hopper Postcard, 2019
Karla Garcia, Shadows of Home, 2019
Martha Flores, Absorb, 2016
Benjamin Ernest, Animus Unknown 362, 2018
Kagen Dunn, Containing Self III, 2019
Terry Crum, Sideways No. 12, 2018
Autumn Mae crocker, Burnet Rd: It Eats Quality and Shits Quantity, 2018
samantha cooper, II.XIV.XIV, 2019
Krista Chalkley, Mockup Man, 2019
Danville Chadbourne, PROPHESY MARKER, 2017
Julia Cartwright, Boys View the MLK Parade, 2019
Julia Cartwright, God Is A Black Women, 2019
Shannon Cannings, Blue Streak, 2018
Aisha Chantal Bryant, dezentegre (disintegrate), 2019
Daniel Brents, Arrival Zone, 2019
Alejandro Borges, Projections Series #29, 2019
Rachel Black, untitled, 2018
Cassandra Black, On the Edge, 2018
Judge Bermes, Processed Twilight, 2018
Scott Bell, Captain Bill makes hard decisions with good intentions, 2019
Meg Aubrey, Ottoman #2, 2018
Oluwatobi Adewumi, DOUBLE SIDED, 2017